Welcome! Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Burlington School District (BSD). BSD recognizes the value volunteers contribute to student (and staff!) success, and we are committed to reducing barriers for this to happen. We look forward to partnering with you to provide the best possible experiences for our community’s children
There are four levels of volunteers in BSD. Depending on the level for which you hope to volunteer, there may be somerestrictions on the roles you may serve, and/or you may be required to complete additional screenings.
The Superintendent or his/her designee has sole discretion to accept or not accept specific individuals as volunteers (subject to the background check results as outlined below), to limit a volunteer’s service with the District, and in all decisions related to the continuation of a volunteer’s service. The decision of the Superintendent on these matters is
considered final.
The screening process and required paperwork must be completed prior to volunteering. Reach out to Human Resources via email/phone to start the process. Human Resources can be reached via phone or email at (802) 864-2159 and HR_Inbox@bsdvt.org.
More information regarding expectations and volunteer levels can be found HERE
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